• Infinite Stratos Parent Guide

    Infinite Stratos Parent Guide

    (Y/N) POV I am cursed. I don't know how it happened, but I guess God just turned his back on me that day.Flashback. It was the middle of the night, I woke up to the sounds of my parents screaming. I was only 6 at the time, so I didn't really get worried that they were screaming. I went down the stairs to figure out why I walked into the kitchen and I saw my parents on the ground, they saw me and started yelling. The next thing I knew, I was being picked up by some person.

    Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge. Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge Trophy Guide and Roadmap. Walt the Dog. View Parent Forum. Infinite Stratos, also written as IS Infinite Stratos> (Japanese: IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉, Hepburn: IS ) is a Japanese light novel. She moved back to China during early 3rd grade of junior high, due to her parent's marital issue. Infinite Stratos Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. I think Infinite Stratos knows what it is for the most part and what it's good at. It may not be a narrative epic, but for some god forsaken reason, even though the characters are about as trope heavy as they come, I just really like watching the girls and their silly antics every week.

    I tried to fight back, but it was useless. I was tied to a chair, I tried to ask why all of these things were happening. I saw my parents cry, 'Hurt me all you want, but don't touch our son!' My father shouted. An evil cackle came from the robbers, 'Oh, we won't touch your child,' he said all the while laughing maniacally. They had covered my mouth with duck tape to prevent me yelling for help, I watched as they grabbed my father.

    Majalah Parent Guide Indonesia

    They brought him to his knees, 'Turn your head away son,' he said and I did. Another person then grabbed the sides of my head and made sure I watched, I saw the robber bring the knife to his throat. I was forced to watch my father be killed as his blood went all over my face, I cried and cried. My mother was hysterical as well, I listened as the intruders laughed and laughed. I tried to squirm out of the chair I was in, but the rope wasn't budging. He then grabbed my mother and she struggled her best, but she was knocked unconscious by the male.

    He then started groping her, I watched as he had his way with my mother. She then woke up but he had already done what he wanted, my mother was half naked and he brought her to her knees.

    I watched as my mother's throat was slit and her blood splattered everywhere, I couldn't do anything. They then left me there, I heard the car's tires screech as they sped off.

    Time passed and I couldn't move, all I could do was stare at my parents' corpses. I tried to figure a way out, I managed to use my small frame to squeeze out of the ropes. I went over to my parents and shook them, not knowing too much about dying.

    I then remember my father's words, they made no sense at the time, but they do now. If anything happens to us, go into the basement and find a black coloured box. Open it, there you will find a necklace. Keep it on you at all times,' he told me and all I knew was that if 'something' happened to my parents, to go into the basement. Tears fell down my face as I made my way into the basement and searched for this black box, I eventually found it and opened it.

    In the box was, like he said, a necklace. It looked like a sword with a ring around it, I grabbed it and placed it around my neck. I then went upstairs, avoiding my parents and I called the police. The police arrived and I was lead out of the house, I was driven to the station and my grandparents were called.

    All the while, the scene of my parents being killed in front of me replayed over and over again in my head. I didn't answer any questions they had, and they knew that I would be scarred for life. My grandparents arrived and were told the news, they were devastated, but they discarded their feelings and comforted me.

    I never said a word, we then drove to their house. I went to the guest room, that would now become my room. Time passed and I never once took that necklace off, and if anyone even so much as reached for it, I would become hostile. I now just nod and shake my head instead of talking, at my new school, I was the talk. People started whispering as I walked by them, I excelled in school and was the anchor of the track team. I didn't make many friends, and I didn't mind this.

    It was the fourth anniversary of that day, we were visiting their grave. I was now 10 and I mature for age, and given what I've experienced, I think it's only adequate. We got home and I went straight to bed, I didn't like this day and I just wanted it to be over. As if God was playing a cruel joke, I was woken up by the sounds of screaming again. I knew that the voices were my grandparents, I ran downstairs and there they were. They were both on the ground and tied up, I looked around and I saw 2 people wearing ski masks.

    My PTSD started to act up but I overcame it, I ran to the door but I was knocked out by a heavy blow to the back of my head. I woke up and I was tied to a chair, I looked and I saw one of the men leaning against the sink. Memories flooded my mind and I started hyperventilating, I then heard laughing. I stopped because I recognized that evil laugh. 'We meet again,' this voice echoed and I knew it the same one from that day.

    'You' I say with anger overpowering my regular tone. He laughed, 'I'm glad that you haven't forgotten me' he said while twirling his knife. 'I will kill you,' I say and I hear laughing from him, but also behind me. Duck tape gets put over my mouth so I can't speak, I watch as he grabs my grandfather and holds the knife to his throat. 'This bringing back memories?,' he says and I try to struggle. He laughs and slices, my grandfather falls to the ground motionless.

    Tears stream down and they laugh, I watch as he then grabs my grandmother. I watch helplessly as he slices her throat as well, but this time, they don't leave. They both walk in front of me, 'This time, we'll finish the job' he says and I don't let them see my fear. I can't do anything but scream and cry as they cut my body without restraint, blood starts flowing out. Cuts riddle my hands, arms, legs, stomach, and back.

    I'm surprised that I'm even alive, to be honest. I know that I'm going to die at this point, I prepare myself for death. 'I'm coming to join you soon, guys' I think and smile. My smile seems to get on their nerves, 'You think this is funny?!' He yells agitated. He aims for my heart and time seems to slow down as I watch the knife come closer to my heart, I look down and I'm reminded of my father's necklace. I watch and I feel this power flow from it, I'm confused.

    It then starts to glow, the glowing makes him stop his assault. He rips open my shirt and see's the necklace, 'What the hell is that?!' I then feel this armour surround my body, 'How the hell does he have an IS?! And why can he pilot one?!'

    I hear them shout. The house crumbles because of it's size and I see the guys standing there, shitting themselves. I then feel this power in my hand, I then feel this great sword form itself in my hand(Might put a pic in the future).

    They look at each other and begin running to their car, I move forward and slice their car in half. I then pick one up and squeeze his head until it pops like a watermelon, I see the other one fall down in fear. I use my rage and slice him in half, the armour I'm wearing disappears and I land in the middle of the street. I begin to feel anemic, I slowly crawl to my grandparents but I fall unconscious while doing so. I then wake up in a hospital, I look and a nurse see's that I'm awake.

    She runs and gets a doctor, he walks up to me. I'm infamous in this town because my grandparents know a lot of people and they all know that I don't talk, 'I'm sorry for your loss,' he says while nodding and I nod back. 'When we picked you up, we saw cuts all over your body. We were surprised that you were even alive,' he says and I nod.

    'Do you know who did this?' He asks and I nod. I grab a pen and write. 'It was the men who killed my parents' he then looks at what I wrote and he looks at me and then runs out. He comes back but with the police this time, we go over and they keep asking me if I'm sure it was them. I nod and write down that it was the same man, I recognized his voice and his laugh.

    He then showed me pictures, 'Are these the men?' He asks and I nod.

    'They were spotted walking into a house and screaming coming from that house not long after,' the policeman whispers to his partner. 'Do you know how they ended up like that?' He asks me and I shake my head no. They nod and thank me for cooperating and they leave, the doctor walks back in. 'We were able to save you from dying of blood loss, but the scars will remain,' he says grimly and I nod. He leaves and I lay back in my bed, I shut my eyes but the image of my parents and grandparents dying keep replaying. I was given a lot of money, as per the request of my parent's and grandparent's wills.

    With my tormentors dead, I then chose to go back to school, because my parents and grandparents would scold me from beyond the grave if I didn't. I then decided to go to the gym and I managed to get in great shape, I'm reminded of those events every time I remove my shirt or look at my hands. I moved away from the town where everything had happened, this was the time when I started high school. I am now 16 and I am the only male IS pilot in the world, not that anyone outside of myself knows this. I have trained using my father's IS, I have become quite adept at using it. It was my first day, no one here knew of my past and I could start a new life.

    I enter the school and I end up running into this guy, 'Hey, are you new?' He asks me and I nod. 'I'm Ichika Orimura, do you know where the hall is by chance?' He asks and I shake my head. 'What's your name?' He asks smiling.

    I don't answer, he then sighs and we walk around, looking for the hall. We enter this gymnasium, but nothing is here. We're about to leave when we see these IS suits in the middle, with lighting shining down on them. We walk up and we each touch one, they react to our touch. Ichika looks at me, we then hear these voices.

    'You can't go near- Wait! Are they reacting to those guys?!' One man yelled.

    He ran back and got more people, a lot of people were now surrounding us. Asking us questions, I don't answer any of them.Flashback ends.

    That leads me to where I am now, on a bus, beside Ichika, driving to this IS academy. Per the order of the Japanese government, we arrive at this academy. Ichika and I being IS pilots are a big deal because no other male pilots have been found before. We walk into the academy and we're being stared at, the news has spread fast apparently. We're sat at the front, I don't mind the staring, as long they're not at my hands.

    My hands are the only way to see my scars, because of this new uniform I have on. A woman walks in who I'm assuming is our teacher, 'I am you sub-homeroom teach, Miss Maya Yamada,' she says and I note that she isn't our main teacher. Ms Yamada seems a bit nervous, we then do our introductions. Ichika goes and makes a better than nothing impression on the girls, 'Mr (L/N), your turn,' Ms Yamada says and I stand up. I stand there silent for about a minute and I then sit down, she seems confused and doesn't know what to do, so she goes on to the next person. We get through introductions and this black-haired woman then walks in, she thanks Ms Yamada for introducing her class.

    She then says that she is Chifuyu Orimura, our homeroom teacher. 'Is that Ichika's sister?' I think as I look over and see the confusion on Ichika's face.

    'Yep, definitely his sister.' I think as the class explodes. Everyone is fangirling over Ms Orimura, I don't know who she is. She sighs and asks herself if they put all the nut-cases in her class each year. Ichika calls her by her first name and she slams his face into the desk, she then says that we will be memorizing the IS textbook over the next 6 months. When we do that, we will begin learning the basic controls until we master those.

    Things I already know.' I think and mentally sighed. We get time in between classes and girls are barricading our exit out of this classroom, they are gossipping about Ichika and I. I sigh and get up, I walk to the door and I tower over these girls.

    They stare and then make a way for me, I nod to them and walk up to the roof. I need to clear my head and get my thoughts straight, I go to the rood and not long after I'm up there, I hear the door open. Ichika and Houki from our class walk up to the roof, they talk and apparently know each other from their previous school. The bell rings and Ichika walks back to the classroom, she see's me and turns red.

    'Were you watching the whole time?' She asks and I don't answer. 'Don't tell anyone anything you heard up here,' she sort of threatens. Chifuyu Orimura POV I'm back in the classroom and everyone is slowly piling in, I look and Ichika seems to be freaking out over the massive textbook in front of him. I hear the door open and the last person in our class enters, (Y/N) (L/N). I'm intrigued by him, he doesn't talk much and he passed the exam and defeated the instructor with ease. Class continues and I learn that Ichika threw out his manual, I hit him and tell him that I'll get him a new one.

    'Mr (L/N), do you have any questions?' I ask while in front of him. I try to be imposing and freak him out, but his face remains that same emotionless one it always is. He then shakes his head, 'Good, I hope you didn't throw out your manual like Ichika did,' I say and I see him shake his head. 'Good,' I say and smile. 3rd Person POV It's recess and Ichika is groaning over the fact that Chifuyu only gave him a week to memorize the textbook when he gets approached by a blonde-haired bombshell named Cecilia Alcott, who is offended by the fact that Ichika doesn't greet her with respect. Cecilia then goes on to tell Ichika about how she was picked by her country to represent the IS pilots back home, Ichika then pokes fun at her and she then tells him how she was the only one to defeat an instructor.

    'I defeated an instructor too,' Ichika says to the shock of Cecilia. 'I thought I was the only one!' She gets in Ichika's face, Ichika, wanting to deflect this conversation and save his own hide says. '(Y/N) here defeated an instructor too!' He says and she then turns to (Y/N), who has his head on his desk.

    She walks up to him, 'Hello?' She asks and he puts his head up. 'Did you defeat an instructor as well?' She asks and he nods. 'I will never!' She beings but is cut off by the bell going off.

    (Y/N) and Ichika are walking to their dorms, 'I'm sorry for throwing you to the wolves, (Y/N),' Ichika says regretfully. (Y/N) looks at Ichika and then (Y/N) puts his foot out and trips Ichika, Ichika goes face-first into the dirt. The girls behind them gasp, Ichika gets up slowly. I guess we're even then,' Ichika says to himself and (Y/N) nods to confirm. They arrive at the dorms and (Y/N)'s is further up from Ichika's, but he wants to see what Ichika's looks like inside. Ichika goes in and (Y/N) has this gut feeling that something is off, so he stays outside.

    The door shuts and (Y/N) waits, Ichika then comes bursting out and shuts the door while out of breath. (Y/N) moves Ichika's head to the right by a few centimetres, Ichika is confused by this. Until a wooden kendo stick bursts through the door, 'Thank you (Y/N),' Ichika says in relief. Girls have gathered to see what the commotion is, they verbally note that this is Ichika's room and it's a good thing to remember. (Y/N) then walks off to his room. (Y/N) POV After saving Ichika from having a massive headache, I'm heading to my own room. I look up and check if the number is correct, '1321, yep.

    Seems right' I think as I open the door. I walk in and I note that nobody is here, I then hear the shower turn off. I hope that I don't have an incident like Ichika's, 'Oh are you my roommate?' Comes from this French accent (Sorry, Charlotte is best waifu). I turn and she only has a towel on, she see's that I'm a guy and this blush spreads across her face. She races back into the bathroom, I sigh and start unpacking my stuff.

    The door opens and I can see her walk out in nightwear, 'Sorry you had to see me like that,' she says shyly. I nod and continue unpacking, 'My name is Charlotte Dunois and I am the representative for Frace,' she says and I smile and shake her hand. I show her my id, 'You're (Y/N)?' She asks and I nod. 'There's a lot of talk about you, you don't talk at all, you're serious all the time, and that you're cute,' she says and I look at her.

    She gains a blush, 'Their words, not mine!' She shouts and I smile. 'Can you keep my being a girl a secret? Everyone thinks I'm a guy,' she says and I nod. I pick my clothes and I point to the shower, she nods.

    Infinite Stratos Parent Guide Reviews

    I take my shirt off and I stare at myself in the mirror, I get the urge to just smash the mirror there and then. But I don't think Charlotte will be happy about that, I just take off the rest of my clothes and go for a shower. I get out of the shower and dry myself, I then look to the clothes I brought in and I notice that I brought a short sleeve shirt. 'This is the only short sleeve shirt I own! Why do I have to wear it now?! It's better than going out there shirtless.'

    I think and sigh. Charlotte POV I am sitting on my bed when I hear the shower stop, I can't stop thinking about how cute he is. 'You just met him!' I scold myself.

    He walks out and I notice that he has long pants and a shirt on, my eyes immediately dart to his arms, they have scars all along them. I then see the sword necklace around his neck, I get up and he sighs. I reach for his arm but he grabs my arm, he looks at me and I can tell that he doesn't want me to touch them. I nod, he lets go and I sit down.

    'How did you get them?' I ask and he doesn't reply. He lies on his side, facing away from me. 'I guess I hit a touchy subject' I think as I lay down on my bed.

    I wake up and (Y/N) is already in his uniform, I look and even his hands are covered in scars. I get dressed and he walks out, I feel bad for asking him about his scars.

    (Y/N) POV The day passes like usual and I sit next to Ichika at lunchtime, we then get approached by these three girls. They ask if they can sit with us, Ichika says sure and they take their seats beside me. They try to talk to me, but I don't respond to any of their questions.

    We're back in class and Ms Orimura tells us that in 2 weeks, we'll have to choose a class representative. She then says that she will take suggestions, 'I nominate Orimura,' one girl shouts out.

    'That's a good idea!' Another shouts as she stands up. 'I nominate (L/N),' one girl shouts and I hit my head on my desk. Ichika freaks out and asks if he gets a vote in this and before Ms Orimura can say anything, Cecilia stands up. She goes on this long tangent about how she doesn't want Ichika or myself to be the class representative, they then get into a verbal fight about each other's countries. I see a smirk grow on Chifuyu's face, she see's me looking and she giggles.

    Cecilia states that this should be settled with a duel, 'Fine by me!' Ichika responds.

    Ichika boasts if he should give Cecilia a handicap, the girls in the class burst out laughing. He then learns that since the IS were invented, it was said that if a war were to be waged, it wouldn't last a day. Ichika refuses the 'handicap' they wanted to give him, 'It's settled then,' comes from Chifuyu. 'This will be settled in Arena 3, Unless. (Y/N),' she says and looks at me. 'Unless you want to jump in on the action as well?'

    She asks and I shake my head. 'I need a verbal no as an answer, otherwise I will accept it as you saying yes,' she says and smirks. I sigh, 'Then it will be a 3-way duel for class representative,' Chifuyu states and I groan. I then learn of personal IS units and how there are only 427 of them in the entire world, Cecilia posses one.

    They seem to be more powerful than the original ones, Houki's sister is the one developing them and is the only one with the knowledge of how to create them. Chifuyu says that Ichika will be given one for data collection purposes, '(Y/N), you won't be given one but given you entrance exam.

    I don't think that should be a problem,' she says and I ignore her. It's now lunch time and Ichika and Houki leave the classroom, or Ichika drags her out. I grab my pen and pad and head to the staff lounge room, I knock and Ms Yamada answers. 'Oh, Mr (L/N),' she says and grabs the attention of everyone in there. I stare at Chifuyu and she smiles, she gets up.

    'I think he's here for me,' she says and shuts the door. We walk to somewhere secluded, 'Can I help you?' She asks smugly. I write on the pad, Why did you put me in the fight? 'I want to see what you're capable of,' she says. I sigh and write again, she looks at my hands.

    'How did you get these?' She asks while grabbing my hand. I drop the pen and pad, I grab her hand that is grabbing mine. Chifuyu POV I see some scars on (Y/N)'s hands, I grab one of his hands and he drops the pen and pad. His sleeve is loose and I can see another scar further in, I'm confused as to how he got them. He grabs the hand that is holding his, I feel his grip tighten and when I look into his eyes, all I can see is pain and sadness. He has a serious look on his face, I let go and he grabs the pad and pen.

    He bows to me and walks off, 'I need to know more about you, you're such a mystery.' I think as I watch him leave. It's time for Ichika, Cecilia, and (Y/N)'s duel. Ichika gets into his IS but (Y/N) is standing in front of his in his school uniform, '(Y/N), aren't you going to hop in?' Maya asks over the intercom. He shakes his head and walks off, 'That will mean an immediate disqualification,' she states and he nods. I cluck my tongue, 'I can't force him to fight,' I think as I stare at the screen.

    Ichika and Cecilia are waiting for (Y/N), 'Where is that man?' Cecilia asks impatiently. Maya's voice can be heard over the speakers, 'Mr (L/N) won't get into his IS, so he will be disqualified. This is now a battle between you two,' she says and I can hear disappointed girls across the arena. Maya turns to me, 'Chifuyu,' she says and I turn to her.

    'You seem to be obsessed with (Y/N),' she says and I blush. 'It's not an obsession! I can feel that he's hiding something, and I want to know what it is,' I say and she nods confused. Ichika loses and I'm there explaining why, 'Why did (Y/N) not get into his IS?' 'I don't know, it seems that he didn't want to compete in the first place,' I say sighing. 'I wanted to fight against him,' Ichika says disappointed.

    I'm teaching them how to get the basics of flying down and before I can say that Ichika and Cecilia are up first, a girl speaks up. 'Where is (Y/N)?' She says and the class agrees.

    'I want to see him in his combat suit' another girl replies. I look around and to my left I see him, he's walking this way and is in his uniform instead of the combat suit.

    I then sigh, 'You know that you do have to participate in one of these classes, right?' I ask and he nods. 'Then go and put your combat suit on,' I order and he stands there, not caring. You're up first!' I shout and they activate their IS units, although Ichika has a hard time activating his. Ichika fails horribly and crashes into the Earth, making a large crater.

    'Do you know how much it costs to fill a hole this big?' I shout and he says he's sorry.

    Class is over and I want to talk to (Y/N) again, I see everyone celebrating Ichika's new term as class rep. I see (Y/N) and he see's me, I can see him sigh as I signal him to come talk to me.

    We walk and we're in the classroom, he shuts the door. 'Care to tell me why you didn't participate in class?' I ask and he stands there silently.

    'This will go a lot easier if you would talk,' I say and he stays silent. 'Then just answer one question of mine,' I say and he nods.

    I walk up to him and I grab his sleeve and quickly pull it up, 'Mind explaining that?' I ask and he sighs again. I can see the scars and they all look like cuts, he has so many of them. He then starts unbuttoning his shirt and I blush, 'What are you doing?' He takes off his shirt and he is bare-chested, I fall silent as I stare at his well-toned body. It is riddled with cuts, I now know why he didn't want to wear the combat suit.

    He turns and I can see that he has equal amounts of cuts on his back, 'Are these all over?' I ask and he nods. He lifts up his left leg and shows it, I look and there are scars literally everywhere on his body. I ask in shock. He bends down and picks up his shirt, he puts it on and takes out his pen and pad. I watch as he puts his clothes back on and he starts writing, he hands me this sticky note.

    (L/N) Family Massicre. I am confused, he then turns and stops at the door. He looks at me, 'Look that up on the internet,' he finally speaks and he reveals his velvety smooth voice. I nod in shock of all of these revelations, he leaves and I'm left there in embarrassment, shock, horror, and intrigue.

    I quickly head back to my room and I look up what he wrote on the computer, I come across these news articles. I read for about an hour and I'm horrified at what I'm reading, apparently, a father and mother were killed at a house, and there was only one survivor. Their son, who was made to watch it all. Their son's name is (Y/N) (L/N), it was after this that he started not talking at all. He was moved to his grandparents and things were good, until 4 years later, those same killers came back and did the same thing, but this time, they killed his grandparents in front of him.

    The police then found the killers dead in the street, it looked like an IS sliced a man and their car in half, but no IS units or pilots were in the area. I don't even want to know what it would be like to go through that, I couldn't take it if I was forced to watch Ichika die. Yet, (Y/N) was forced to do that but for his whole family. This brings up the question if (Y/N) has a personalized IS, but he couldn't. Because this was posted 6 years ago, personalized IS units were barely being made back then.

    Charlotte POV I'm back in my dorm room and I hear the door open, I look and (Y/N) doesn't have a happy look on his face. 'Is everything okay?' I ask and he doesn't even nod his head like he usually does. He gets clothes and goes for a shower, he gets out and seems to have calmed down a bit. I sit on his bed and he turns towards me, 'D-Do you want to talk about it?'

    He shakes his head, 'I'm here if you need anything,' I say and he nods. I see the sword pendant around his neck, it reminds me of my IS pendant. I reach for it and he grabs my arm, I can feel the pressure he's putting on my arm. I see him shake his head no and I nod in response, he lets go and turns his back to me. I stare at his scars, he then looks at the ceiling.

    I slowly grab his arm, he doesn't do anything. I hold it and trace the scars with my other hand, he watches me and I'm just imagining what happened to him to get these. I look and our eyes meet, I think I might confess my true purpose to him.

    '(Y/N), there's something I want to tell you,' I say and he nods. 'I am a spy,' I say and he is confused. 'I was sent here to figure out how you and Ichika Orimura are able to pilot an IS,' I say and I feel that a weight has been lifted off of my chest. He nods and smiles, 'Thank you for not hating me,' I say truthfully and he smiles. My face blushes red and I quickly go to my own bed and I face away from him.

    (Y/N) POV I wave Charlotte off and I head off to class, on the way to class, I see Chifuyu. She seemed to be waiting for me, 'Hello (Y/N),' she says and I nod and smile back. She hands me the note I wrote her, 'I read what you told me to read,' she says and I breathe in and out.

    'I'm sorry for what you have gone through and I won't force you to wear the combat uniform,' she says and I smile. 'It's time for class,' she says and I nod. I walk in front of her and I see a short girl at the entrance to our class, Chifuyu hits her on the head.

    She says and turns around. She see's me and see's how I tower over and my expression, she blushes and moves out of the way immediately. I walk in and all the girls are staring at me and are wondering why I entered the same time as Chifuyu.

    The girl who was blocking the door was a representative of China apparently, class isn't anything to be excited about and lunchtime passes quickly. Lingyin/Rin POV (Girl blocking the door.

    For those who don't know her name) I get told how Ichika got to this school, I then look over and see the monster who I turned around to. I ask while pointing. Ichika asks and I nod.

    'He's a nice guy, he just doesn't talk at all,' Ichika says with disappointment in his voice. 'What do you mean doesn't talk?' 'I mean it literally, he hasn't uttered a single word since he got here,' Ichika says and I'm in disbelief. 'Is he mute?' I ask and Ichika shakes his head. 'No, he can talk.

    He just doesn't is all,' Ichika says and I hum. 'Maybe he is traumatised?' I say to myself. 'Now that you mention it, I don't know that much about him,' Ichika says to himself. 'How is he piloting wise?'

    I ask, wondering how good a fighter he is. 'He was in a match for Class rep but he didn't put on his combat suit and enter his IS, so he was disqualified,' Ichika says while I stare at him. 'Do you like him?' Ichika asks out of the blue. I blush, 'What?! I respond quickly. 'It's that you've been staring at him this whole time is all,' Ichika says and I hmpf.

    'But he did beat an instructor on his entrance exam apparently,' Ichika says, returning to the other conversation. (Y/N) POV I watch on the sidelines as Cecilia and Houki train Ichika for his upcoming fight with Rin, Class-2's representative. I don't know how he even got into a fight with her in the first place, but he can't seem to keep out of trouble.

    Hours pass and they all head back inside and to their dorms, I go into the newly installed men's dressing room and try on my combat outfit. I can't have my skills going rusty on me, I put it on and like Ichika's, it shows the middle of my stomach. Scars are visible on the skin that is showing, which happens to be my stomach, back, arms, and lower legs. I walk out and into the arena, I then hear a whistle. I turn towards the sound and I see Chifuyu, she see's me in my outfit and I can see her wince from looking at my scars but she walks towards me. She looks me up and down, 'Sure it'll freak out the other girls and Ichika, but you don't look too bad in that,' she says while smiling. 'Thank you Chifuyu,' I say and she is surprised by my talking.

    'You're only allowed to call me that when we're alone, got it?' She says and I nod. 'What are you doing out here?' 'I can't have my IS skills going rusty on me,' I say and she smiles. 'You don't have a personal IS,' she says and I wonder if I should reveal it to her. Chifuyu POV 'Can you keep a secret?' (Y/N) asks me and I nod.

    'I've kept the fact that you've talked to me and your scars a secret, haven't i?' I say in retaliation. He smirks, 'Touche,' he says and I smile.

    'Am I falling for him?' I ask as I catch myself checking him out. 'If you read about it, then you know that there looked to be evidence of an IS at the scene,' he says and I nod.

    He walks a bit away, 'That was me,' he says and I watch as the pendant around his neck begins to glow. I watch as his IS take form and I'm in awe of it, it's beautiful but exudes power.


    'It doesn't look like anything Shinonono has done' I think to myself. 'You can watch if you want,' he says and I nod. I watch and he demonstrates his speed, he moves around the arena faster than I can keep up with. I'm not sure if even I could keep up with his speed, he then does some martial arts. Which you don't see much of in an IS, it's sloppy but deadly.

    He stops after awhile, 'Is that all?' I ask and he smiles. 'Just watch,' he says and I smile back. I watch as this massive great sword forms itself I'm in awe at the sword's beauty, the way it glows in the darkness. I then see him smile at me and begin swinging it around, I can tell that it's heavier than it looks and (Y/N) is just making it look easy. He then swings it and a wave of energy is released and hits the wall of the stadium, If that hit one of the IS unit's, even if it was a high-end model, they would be taken down.

    The sword disappears and he holds out his other hand, 'He can't have more.' I think as this railgun forms itself in his hand.

    He looks at it and smiles, I then see it charge up. I yell, knowing the damage it could do.

    He laughs, 'I wasn't actually going to shoot it,' he says and I keep my stern face intact. 'It doesn't look that way for me,' I say and the railgun disappears. The IS disappears and he's back on the ground and the sword pendant is around his neck, he walks up to me. 'I just wanted to see your reaction is all,' he says and chuckles. I hit his shoulder, 'Not funny,' I say and his laugh stops.

    'That was an amazing display. Tell me, where did you get that IS?' I ask and he doesn't respond. I'm confused but he then nods to his right and I can see the girls and Ichika poking their heads out, I sigh.

    'What are you all doing?' They come out, 'It was your fault!' Rin whisper-yells. 'I was the only one being quiet, thank you,' Cecilia says in response. They all walk forward and Ichika is sighing, 'I didn't mean to watch you from the shadows, but the girls insisted,' Ichika says to (Y/N) and Chifuyu. 3rd Person POV 'I'm telling you that I saw your sister walk out into the arena!'

    Cecilia shouts as they head out to the arena. 'Why would Chifuyu go out there? There's nothing out there,' Ichika tries to reason. 'That's what we're here to find out,' Cecilia responds. She gets to the arena and pokes her head out of the side, the rest soon follow in suit and poke their heads out as well.

    'You were right, but what is she doing there with (Y/N)?' 'You don't think that they have a fling, do you?!' Rin asks while blushing.

    Ichika whisper-shouts. 'What are you all doing?'

    They hear from Chifuyu. They know that they've been caught, so they walk out to face their punishment. Cecilia POV As we approach Ms Orimura and (Y/N), I can't help but notice that (Y/N) has a combat suit on. We stop in front of them and before Ms Orimura says anything, my eyes wander to (Y/N)'s well-toned body.

    I blush but that blush soon disappears as my eyes focus on his body even more. I look and there are scars all over his arms and legs, but they are also on his torso. I shout in horror.

    The other girls have seemed to notice as well. Houki POV I do wonder what Chifuyu was doing out here all alone with (Y/N), I blush as Rin's earlier comment enters my mind. I look and I can see (Y/N) in his combat suit, which makes me blush because of his amazing body. I look closer and I can see cuts on his arms, I keep looking and there reveal to be even more on his legs and hands, hell, even his stomach has scars.

    Cecilia see's this and freaks out, I don't yell but my reaction is the same. Lingyin/Rin POV It seemed to be the obvious answer, that they were secretly meeting for their forbidden romance. I walk and I see the man who I met earlier, but now I can see the body he was hiding in that school suit. I look and I can see that he has well-toned abs, but there seems to be a colour differentiation on his body. I look closer and my eyes widen as I realize that his body is riddled with cuts, some small and some large.

    I don't know how someone can even survive that much pain and still be alive, Cecilia sums up our reactions by her yelling. Ichika POV I knew that (Y/N) was in shape, but I didn't know that he had that well a body.

    He puts mine to shame, but those thoughts are out the window when Cecilia yells in shock and I'm directed towards the yelling. I look and I can see the cuts that cover his body, It then hits me, (Y/N)'s last name. I read somewhere that the (L/N) was massacred and only the son survived, and 4 years later, the same thing happened to the same boy. Chifuyu POV As I expected, the girls reacted the way that anyone would react.

    (Y/N) looks at me and I nod, he then walks off. They turn to me, 'How?' Cecilia says but I put my hand up.

    'Before any of you say anything, know that if you treat (Y/N) any differently because of what you just saw, I will have you personally expelled from IS Academy. Is that clear?!' I shout and they all nod in fear. 'Good,' I say. 'I'm assuming you're all wondering how he got those scars?' I ask and they nod. I can see that Ichika already knows, 'I do know how he got them, but I won't tell you.

    You need to gain his trust like I did, when he wants to, he will tell you how.' I say and they nod. 'That aside, what were you two doing out here?' 'I watched (Y/N) pilot an IS, what else?' I say and I can see their faces turn into blushes. 'Miss Rin suggested that you two were having a secret affair,' Cecilia points out and I blush heavily. I quickly get rid of it, 'W-Well, now you know t-that isn't the case,' I say and they nod.

    They all start to walk away, 'Ichika!' I say and he flinches.

    'Come here, I want to talk to you,' I say and he nods. They all look at us but then leave, 'Yeah?' 'I know you know how he got them,' I say and he nods. 'I just remembered when his last name popped up in my head just before,' he says and I nod. 'Well, don't tell anyone, especially those girls.'

    I threaten and he quickly nods. 'That's all,' I say and he heads inside. Now that I'm alone, my blush returns. 'Am I in love with (Y/N)?' I ask as I clutch my hand over my fast beating heart.


    I have a simple question for you all. If I were to theoretically have created a guide for how to download and run an emulated version of Archetype Breaker on PC, along with an intuitive guide to the actual game, would such a theoretical item be considered legal to post on Reddit? The game itself is free either way so it's not piracy, but I just want to err on the side of caution and make sure everything is in order before making the actual post. Should everything be good, I will post the guide and the necessary links in a comment.

    EDIT: Guide has been posted. EDIT #2: IMPORTANT: Whenever ISAb is updated, you will have to re-download the latest.apk file from Qooapp and install it like you did the previous one. You can tell if you're using an out of date version when, upon attempting to log in, you get redirected to the game's Google Store page. Very well then, since there has been no indication that this is prohibited, I will now post the guide. Now, let us get down to business and defeat the Huns.

    Before you can actually play the game, you must first install it. Thankfully, this is very easy. Using Qooapp, you can easily download the game in the form of a.apk file, which you can then run on your Android if you so desire. Qooapp link is below, just download it there.

    If you are on PC, ignore the message about no device being detected. This will get you the.apk file for ISAB. For those of us without an Android, there is an easy way to run it on PC. This is done using Bluestacks, a very effective emulator for Android. The Bluestacks site is below. Www.mogali rekulu serial full episodes watch online in telugu flame. net.

    IMPORTANT: When downloading Bluestacks, be sure to install the Experimental Bluestacks N Beta, and not the regular Bluestacks 3. This is because regular Bluestacks 3 runs an older version of Android which cannot support ISAB. I have not personally had any issues with Bluestacks N Beta, and it is capable of running ISAB. Link is below: Once you have both Bluestacks installed and the ISAB.apk file downloaded, the rest is easy. Just open Bluestacks, wait for it to boot up, and then go to the My Apps tab. At the bottom right corner there is a button that says 'Install apk'.

    Click it, and find the ISAB.apk file you downloaded. Once you select it, Bluestacks will do the rest, and ISAB will be successfully installed on your PC. Speaking from personal experience, it is an absolute pain in the rear end to run ISAB for the first time. It took me twelve attempts to successfully load everything and get past the tutorial without the game either crashing or sending me back to the start menu. However, once the tutorial was finally finished, all these problems disappeared, and the game has not crashed once for me since then. With that in mind, here is an imgur link to an album of annotated screenshots from the game, meant to tell you what is what in a relatively intuitive manner. One thing not included in that album is a menu that comes up the first time you run the game on your account.

    That menu contains a list of IS cards for all the characters in the game. There, you are allowed to select one character to act as your starting five-star IS, and one more to act as a starting four-star. That should be everything.

    However, I do not possess an Android device, and bypassing localization is much harder on IOS, which lacks a Qooapp equivalent. Hence, this guide adds in the extra step of using Bluestacks to emulate Android on PC, as for me personally, it was much more convenient to do that than to go through the process of creating an alternate Japanese account on the App store. Unfortunately, I don't know how to reroll without absolutely wiping everything, and I don't want to experiment because I can't read the warnings. Thus the only way I could figure out how to reroll is by wiping my progress in the process.

    My hypothesis is that there is a button located in the start menu that allows for this, but I am not certain and I am not particularly inclined to try it.

    Infinite Stratos Parent Guide